
Maike (Zhejiang) New Materials Co., Ltd.

Add:Xindeng Town Industrial Park (Songxi Village), Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province



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Bio-enhanced COD removal bacteria
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Release date:2021-07-16
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Detailed introduction

1. Product introduction

Industrial wastewater often contains complex mixtures of organic compounds with different degradability. Simple compounds are degraded first, leaving more complex compounds that usually take a long time to degrade. If complex compounds are not completely degraded when they pass through the wastewater treatment plant, they will affect the effluent COD and lead to violations of discharge standards. In addition, these compounds may adversely affect the ability of the microbial community to form normal and reasonable flocculent particles and sedimentation. Such relatively stable substances may include lignin, complex hydrocarbons, surfactants, dyes and other compounds, depending on the type of industry. These compounds are generally difficult to degrade and have low nutritional value for the microbial community.

Bio-enhanced COD removal bacteria adopts unique fungal technology. After special mixing, it can treat a series of difficult-to-degrade compounds in COD industrial wastewater with complex components and relatively stable properties, so that it does not increase the cost of other equipment and infrastructure. In this case, solve the problem of COD exceeding the standard.

2. Product efficacy

Do not increase equipment and infrastructure; increase system shock resistance; increase system startup speed; reduce BOD; reduce COD; reduce effluent SS; odor control;

Third, the nature of the product


Brown, powder


Microbial strains, enzyme preparations, nutrients

Bacteria count


Shelf life


Packing specification


Four, product instructions

The activation is directly added to the water inlet end of the aerobic tank. The technical engineer of Maike (Zhejiang) New Materials Co., Ltd. will issue a specific plan for the use of your sewage treatment system. According to the specific requirements of the on-site service engineer of Maike (Zhejiang) New Materials Co., Ltd., the sewage treatment operating parameters will be adjusted to meet the most Better play the activity of the bacteria.

5. Storage and disposal

Store in a low temperature and dry, avoid inhalation. After touching the product, wash your hands thoroughly with hot soapy water and avoid contact with eyes.

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