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The development status and trends of modern precision measuring instruments

Update time:2020-06-09

Today's information technology has become a key technology that promotes the rapid development of science and technology and the national economy. How to use advanced information technology to upgrade and transform my country's traditional manufacturing industry and realize the strategic structural adjustment for the leap-forward development of productivity is an urgent task facing the equipment manufacturing industry. The well-known scientist Mr. Qian Xuesen once pointed out: "Information technology includes measurement technology, computer technology and communication technology. Measurement technology is the key and foundation." The use of moderately advanced information-based digital measurement technology and products to rapidly improve the level of equipment manufacturing is the current one. Important development direction. Many well-known measuring instrument manufacturers at home and abroad have exhibited some of their scientific research achievements at the CIMT exhibition in recent years, the development trend of modern measurement technology and the market-oriented and user-oriented service to the processing and manufacturing site, measurement and processing The new trend of manufacturing process integration is worthy of our great attention and close attention.

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