
Maike (Zhejiang) New Materials Co., Ltd.

Add:Xindeng Town Industrial Park (Songxi Village), Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province



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Pulp defoamer
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Release date:2021-07-16
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Detailed introduction

1. Physical and chemical properties

Appearance: white emulsion Density (20℃, g/cm3): 0.90-1.05 Solid content (%):

28-32 Viscosity (25℃, mPa?s): ≤1000 Ion type: Anion and weak ion PH value: 6.0-8

2. Performance and characteristics

1) It has the degassing and foam suppression performance of a machine gun and has a long duration.

2) It does not interfere with the performance of other papermaking chemicals in the pulp, and can remove the bubbles contained in the pulp and white water.

3) Effectively improve the dehydration of the web, increase the wet strength of the paper, reduce pinholes and bubbles on the paper, reduce the frequency of paper breaks, and improve production efficiency.

4) It can be completely miscible with water, does not contain amino compounds, silicon, oil and other chemical components that cause resin barriers, does not pollute the forming net, felt, and improves the service life of the weaving.

3. Scope of application

Eliminate air bubbles in the wet part of papermaking, and the applicable temperature range is 45-58℃.

It is suitable for the production process of coated white paper, cultural paper and packaging paper.

It is suitable for special paper production processes that use many additives (wet strength agent, internal sizing agent, etc.).

Suitable for neutral and acid sizing processes.

Four, use method

1) Degassing and foam suppressing performance with strong surface activity. Adding a small amount can be effective. The recommended amount is 50-500g/ton paper.

2) It can be added to any position of the white water receiving tray, white pool or white water tank outside the machine. The best adding amount and adding location can be based on the paper type, the use of paper making additives, the production speed, the air content of the slurry, etc. Depends.

3) The raw materials can be added directly by the pump or can be diluted and added with the online mixed gas.

4) The product is easily soluble in cold water and warm water, and can be emulsified by simple stirring. It is recommended that the mass dilution ratio of defoamer and water is 1:3. Excessive water will affect the storage and use stability of the product.

5) The interference of cationic chemicals must be avoided during use. If there is any remaining after use, cover the packaging cover in time.

Five, packaging and storage

According to customer requirements, it can be packaged in 25kg, 200kg, 1000kg plastic drums. Store in a cool, dry, dark place, and keep indoors above 0°C. Shelf life: 6 months (store at room temperature)

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