
Maike (Zhejiang) New Materials Co., Ltd.

Add:Xindeng Town Industrial Park (Songxi Village), Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province



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Release date:2021-07-16
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Detailed introduction

1 Overview

The scale inhibitor is composed of polycarboxylic acid, sulfonate-containing copolymer, azoles, etc., and has a phosphine-free formula. It has a good chelating and dispersing effect on calcium, magnesium, sulfate, etc. in water, and has a good corrosion inhibition effect on carbon steel and copper. Scale inhibitors are mainly used for scale and corrosion inhibition in circulating cooling water systems, such as circulating cooling water systems in power plants, chemical plants, paper mills, etc., with strong scale and corrosion inhibition effects, and can operate at high concentration ratios; also applicable In the pulping alkali recovery system, it is particularly effective in preventing the precipitation of inorganic calcium salts and other organic substances.

2. Physical properties




Colorless to amber liquid



pH(Stock solution)


3. Features and advantages

1. Phosphine-free formula, non-toxic, harmless and environmentally friendly, and can be degraded naturally;

2. Weakly alkaline, compared with acidic scale inhibitors, have less corrosion to equipment and safer operation;

3. High temperature resistance and strong alkali resistance;

4. A protective film is formed on the metal wall, which can inhibit scale and corrosion.

Two, application

l Metering by metering pump, adding stock solution, continuous addition without dilution

l The concentration of scale inhibitor is generally 5-20ppm (based on the amount of supplemented water), and the specific dosage is determined according to the hardness and concentration of the raw water.

Three, safe operation

l Weakly alkaline liquid, proper precautions must be taken when using it, and protective clothing must be used. It is recommended to use corrosion-resistant materials (plastic or stainless steel) for the dosing pump and pipeline. For detailed information, please refer to the product material safety instructions

l The ingredients contained are approved by the US FDA (21CFR 176 170). When used in paper and cardboard production, it can be used to contact water and fatty foods. Should avoid contact with skin and eyes, if accidentally contact with skin, clean with water and soap, if contact with eyes, rinse with clean water and go to the hospital immediately.

Four, storage

Store in a cool and dry place, the storage period is ten months.

Five, packaging

l Use plastic square buckets of 200 or 1000 liters for transportation.

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