
Maike (Zhejiang) New Materials Co., Ltd.

Add:Xindeng Town Industrial Park (Songxi Village), Fuyang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province



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Release date:2021-07-16
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Detailed introduction

1. Performance Index

Appearance: white powder Solid content: ≥88%

Molecular weight (10,000): more than 16 million

Ion type: anion

2. Product features

The best dissolving water temperature is 25~35 degrees Celsius and the dissolution time is more than 60 minutes. When preparing the solution, be sure to add it while stirring. It should be added slowly and evenly to ensure the dispersibility of the material. Never pour into the dissolving tank in a package, otherwise it will condense into lumps and reduce the performance. Using this series of products and inorganic flocculants (polyferric sulfate, polyaluminum chloride, iron salt, etc.) at the same time can show greater effects.

Three, the main function

The flocculation effect of this series of products is extremely strong, because it has:

Flocculation: PAM can neutralize suspended substances through electricity, bridging adsorption, and flocculate.

Adhesiveness: It can play the role of adhesion through mechanical, physical and chemical action.

Resistance reduction: PAM can effectively reduce the frictional resistance of the fluid. Adding a small amount of PAM in the water can reduce the resistance by 50~80%.

Thickening: PAM has a thickening effect under neutral and acid conditions. When the PH value is above 10, PAM is easy to hydrolyze. When it has a semi-net structure, the thickening will be more obvious. It can fully meet the requirements of various fields in waste liquid treatment, sludge thickening and dewatering, ore dressing, coal washing, papermaking, etc.

Four, use method

When in use, it should be made into an aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.1% to 0.3%, and it is advisable to use neutral and salt-free water. The amount of water discharged per ton of paper is 0.5 kg. When dissolving, evenly sprinkle this series of products into the stirring water (if possible, it is best to use the condensed water of the dryer), and the stirring speed is controlled at 100~300rpm. Appropriate heating (25~35°C is best, less than 50°C) can accelerate the dissolution. When adding the solution of this series of products, the mixing with the liquid to be treated should be accelerated. After the flocs appear, the stirring speed should be slowed down to facilitate the growth of the flocs and accelerate the settlement.

Five, packaging storage packaging

Packed in 25 kg paper bags and stored in a dry place to avoid moisture. Shelf life: one year.

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