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Preliminary laboratory design overview

Update time:2021-07-26

The continuous development of the scientific laboratory level puts forward higher requirements for the functionality and standardization of the laboratory. For high-precision experimental instruments to exert their due effects, they must rely on matching laboratory equipment. With the promotion and implementation of laboratory accreditation, measurement certification and other systems, a new concept of modern scientific laboratory characterized by safety, humanity, and high technology is gradually taking shape.

At present, there is no national standard for laboratory hardware construction in my country. There are still many gaps in the theory and practice of modern laboratory construction. This article mainly involves the key points of laboratory planning and equipment configuration.

Preliminary laboratory preparation

Everything is done in advance, and if you don't, you will be abolished. Similarly, careful and meticulous preliminary planning is the key to the success or failure of laboratory construction. Before carrying out laboratory planning and design, we must first understand the overall plan of the target laboratory, including the nature, purpose, tasks, basis and scale of the laboratory, and determine the laboratory functions and equipment selection. The selection of instruments and equipment is the foothold of the laboratory's preliminary preparations, and it is also the basis for the overall planning of the laboratory. Among them, the selection of large-scale equipment is directly related to the arrangement of related facilities such as water, electricity, ventilation, and gas. The configuration of ordinary equipment is closely related to the regional division of the laboratory. The usual approach is to determine the basic requirements of equipment in accordance with relevant national standards and testing specifications, refer to the existing practices in the same industry and combine its own reality to determine the selection of equipment and equipment.

9 points not to be ignored in laboratory planning!

The contents involved in the planning and design of the laboratory mainly include the layout, water supply and drainage, electric circuit, gas circuit, ventilation, safety passage, ceiling, floor, wall, etc. Planning and design need to be implemented in the civil construction and decoration phases of the laboratory.

1. Floor plan

Determine the overall layout of the laboratory and clarify the layout of the laboratory. The laboratory is required to be effectively isolated from the office area, the functional areas are clearly divided, the experiments do not interfere with each other, and the evacuation channel is unblocked. In modern experimental research institutions, laboratories are usually classified according to physics, general chemistry, organic synthetic chemistry, and biology. Balance rooms, precision instrument rooms, high-temperature greenhouses, standard sample rooms, water production rooms, washing rooms, and pre-treatment rooms are set up as needed. Processing room, warehouse, etc. In laboratories in the fields of medicine, medicine, food, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry, a highly reliable sterile and dust-free environment is indispensable. In biological laboratories, special requirements such as inspection, testing, photographing, washing and other data processing workflows are generally considered, and washing stations and drying stations can usually be set at the entrance. Laboratories that use violent drugs and precursor reagents must set up special toxicological product warehouses as required, and need to install iron doors, iron windows, iron cabinets, and 110 linkage alarm systems.

2. Water supply and drainage

The water supply in the laboratory follows the principle of convenient access nearby, and a hot water system is installed in the necessary places such as the washing area. Drainage should focus on the installation of floor drains and the high temperature resistance requirements of the drainage pipes in the hot water drainage area.

3. Circuit

The circuit design must consider the overall power, three-phase power requirements, and the stability requirements of special instruments. In order to facilitate operation and meet the requirements of safety management, laboratories generally require independent control switches. A correct and good grounding system is very necessary for the normal, reliable and safe operation of analytical laboratory instruments.

4. Gas path

There are two gas supply modes: centralized gas supply and separate gas supply. In principle, the special gas piping used by the instrument should be as close as possible to the analytical instrument.

5. Ventilation system

Ventilation is an indispensable part of laboratory design. In order to prevent the laboratory staff from inhaling or swallowing some toxic, pathogenic or toxic chemicals and organisms, the laboratory should have good ventilation.

There are two ways to ventilate the laboratory, namely local exhaust and full room ventilation. Local exhaust is to discharge nearby harmful substances after they are produced. This method can discharge a large amount of harmful substances with less air volume. It is energy-saving and effective. It is a feasible and economical method to improve the current laboratory conditions, and it is also suitable for modern laboratories. The best way of ventilation construction is widely adopted. For some experiments, local exhaust air cannot be used, or when local exhaust air cannot meet the requirements, full room ventilation should be used. Professional ventilation systems such as aseptic systems must be self-contained. The focus of the ventilation system is the determination of the position of the air inlet and outlet and the pre-buried of the air outlet.

6. Safe passage

The safe passage cannot be ignored in the planning and design of the laboratory, especially the safe distance design in the interior design of the laboratory.

(1) Security door: as an evacuation channel. The door width is 900mm and 1500mm, of which the single door is generally 900 fil m, and the double door has 1200, 1400, 1500 rain, etc.

(2) (2) Safety distance: For the main channel, if the two test benches are operated on both sides, the distance should be ≥1500 mm; single-sided operation should be ≥1200mm; if there is a detox cabinet, the distance should be ≥1500 inm, and special attention should be paid The detox cabinet cannot be placed near the door.

(3) Passage distance: The minimum width of the fire passage inside the general building is 1200 nlln, but the laboratory is different, the minimum width should be 1500 m nl.

7. Ceiling

There are generally no special requirements for the height of the suspended ceiling, but particularly professional, such as aseptic systems, have specific requirements for the height of the suspended ceiling, which must be paid attention to. At the same time, the construction of the ceiling should also be considered simultaneously with the facilities of the ventilation system.

8. Ground

Different floors should be used for different laboratories, and marble floors cannot be used in the laboratory. Now the most commonly used are PVC floor and oxygen-reducing resin floor, and some use ceramic tiles. In addition to paying attention to the type of the ground, attention should also be paid to the location of the upper and lower water pipes.

9. Wall

Including the position of the column, the height of the window sill, the width of the skirting board, etc. must be clearly determined.

Determine the specifications and selection of laboratory equipment

Laboratory equipment configuration is to determine the specifications and selection of laboratory equipment on the basis of laboratory planning and design. Laboratory equipment is an emerging industry subdivided from the furniture industry, and it continues to be standardized and specialized in the development process. The content of laboratory equipment configuration mainly includes the layout mode, structure size, table top selection, fume hood selection, laboratory cabinet selection, and safety equipment configuration of the experimental bench.

Layout mode

The focus of the layout of the test bench is safety and convenience. There are several commonly used modes:

(1) Island type. It is the most common mode. It is often used in large spaces and rectangular indoor forms. The characteristic of this mode is the smooth flow of people;

(2) Peninsula type. This is also a typical application method, this mode is suitable for long and narrow rooms;

(3) L type. L type is suitable for narrower rooms;

(4) U-shaped and flat-shaped (i.e. side test bench) layouts are also commonly used.

structure size

The structure of laboratory equipment is divided into all-wood structure, steel-wood structure and all-steel structure. The laboratory can choose different types of test benches according to specific conditions. The size of laboratory equipment is directly related to the convenience and comfort of use. The height of the sitting workbench is usually between 750 and 850 mml. If the proportion of male experimenters is higher, 900mm height can be considered; the height of the standing workbench is between 850 and 920mm, and the height of the workbench in the high-temperature greenhouse is 450 mm. ~600mm; the length of the worktable should usually be considered 1200 mm per person (the minimum should not be less than 1000mm), the organic chemistry laboratory bench should be considered longer, which can be 1400~1600 mm; the height of the reagent rack is 1200~1650mm The height of the cabinet can reach 1800-2000 mm; the depth of the workbench is generally 750 mm, and the depth of the workbench in the high-temperature greenhouse is generally required to be between 850 and 900 mm.

Laboratory countertop

Currently, the most commonly used countertop materials are as follows:

(1) Epoxy resin: It is mainly reinforced epoxy resin with the same internal and external materials. It can be repaired and reduced when damaged. It is acid-base, impact-resistant, high-temperature resistant (about 800°C), and the cost is relatively high.

(2) Corrosion-resistant hardened board: It is made of high-quality multi-jammed paper, soaked in a special phenol liquid and then shaped by high-pressure thermosetting effect, and has a special corrosion-resistant surface treatment. It has the characteristics of acid and alkali resistance, impact resistance, heat resistance, economical and durable.

(3) Trespa: 70% wood fiber, 30% melamine resin, double electron beam scanning technology is used to attach melamine to the surface layer, after high temperature and high pressure molding, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance are average.

(4) Corrosion-resistant physical and chemical veneer: It is made of kraft paper impregnated with special phenolic resin, white and special surface paper after high temperature and high pressure treatment, acid and alkali resistance, impact resistance, heat resistance, but must be used in conjunction with the substrate .

Laboratory fume hood

Fume hoods are the most commonly used local exhaust equipment in the laboratory. There are many types. Due to their different structures and different conditions of use, their exhaust effects are also different. The good performance of the fume hood mainly depends on the speed of air movement through the fume hood.

There are 5 types of fume hoods used in the laboratory:

(1) Extraction type fume hood: This type of fume hood is characterized by simple structure, convenient manufacturing, and suitable for occasions with heat generation.

(2) Slit-type fume hood: The slit-type fume hood is equipped with exhaust slits on the top and rear side, which can obtain good effects for various working conditions. But the structure is more complicated and the production is also more troublesome.

(3) Bypass fume hood: When the laboratory considers the range fume hood to remove indoor air, it is ideal to use this fume hood, because when the cabinet door is fully closed, it does not affect the indoor air exchange.

(4) Supplementary air fume hood: For laboratories with air conditioning systems or clean laboratories, the use of this fume hood is ideal, which not only saves energy, but also does not affect the indoor airflow organization.

(5) Movable fume hood: In modern laboratory buildings, a general laboratory (experimental hall) is sometimes equipped, in which the experimental workbench, basin fume hood and other equipment can be moved at any time, and can be pushed when not in use. People's adjacent storage room. This kind of fume hood should be made of wood, plastic or light metal for easy movement.

Experiment cabinet

Experimental cabinets include medicine cabinets, medicine cabinets, dangerous goods, glassware drying and storage cabinets, clean cabinets, and biological safety cabinets.

(1) Sample cabinet: The sample cabinet used to place all kinds of experimental samples should have partitions with compartments and labels that can be used to store samples and find samples, because some samples are required according to the physical properties and chemical stability of the samples. Put it in a desiccator for storage, so the compartments can be large or small to facilitate storage of different samples.

(2) Medicine cabinet: mainly store solid chemical reagents and standard solutions. The two must be placed separately and cannot be mixed together. Chemical reagents should be placed in categories for easy search. At the same time, for safety, the medicine cabinet should be equipped with glass doors and windows, and the cabinet should also have a certain load-bearing capacity and corrosion resistance.

(3) Dangerous goods storage cabinet: suitable for simple storage and short-term storage of dangerous goods. It is made of stainless steel or made of refractory bricks.

(4) Glassware drying and storage cabinet: The cleaned off-get off work utensils are stored on the bracket, and the bracket is fixed to the cabinet with a guide rail, so that the glassware is easy to access, easy to clean and dry.

(5) Clean cabinet: also known as ultra-clean workbench, widely used in biology, medicine, health, electronics, precision instruments, meters and other industries, providing a sterile, dust-free clean operating environment. The clean cabinet can be divided into horizontal laminar flow and vertical laminar flow according to the gas flow direction. The specifications are single, double, single-sided, double-sided, and can also be used in series.

(6) Biological safety cabinet: It is widely used in colleges, universities, research institutes, pharmaceutical factories, sanitation and epidemic prevention and other units. It is the main clean equipment for microbiological experiment operations. It can prevent the proliferation of possible toxic and harmful suspended particles and protect the experimental process. The safety of operators and the environment can also protect samples from contamination during operation.

In addition, safety protection facilities, such as desktop eyewashes, safety boxes, etc.; supporting facilities, such as universal exhaust hoods, PP sinks, work chairs, etc., need to be determined simultaneously during the configuration of laboratory equipment.

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